FCI bootcamps

Where your child can build foundational social skills.

We're excited to have your child join our Bootcamps! These monthly programs help your child make substantial strides toward social & emotional goals.

Our most popular topics include:

Play Skills (for little ones)
Social Skills (for older children)
Calming and Coping Skills
Anxiety & Stress Management
Study Skills
Building Confidence & Assertiveness
and more!

What to expect

In each group, your child will join other children in their age group to build a firm foundation on skills related to the Bootcamp Topic in an immersive, supportive environment.

During the school year, Bootcamps run Tuesdays through Thursdays from 4pm - 6pm. During the Summer, Bootcamps run Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm.

Bootcamps enable kiddos to make progress leaps-and-bounds ahead of what can be achieved in one-on-one therapy alone. This is due to the real-world experience they receive in a supportive environment without the risk of social repercussions."

Ready for your child to meet their goals?

We'll send you our current offerings for your child's age group and everything you need to sign up!

    Your Child's Age Group:

    By entering your email, you'll receive insightful resources and be the first to know about our latest program offerings.